Morning and evening exercises to lose weight: exercises for the stomach, buttocks and legs

Overweight woman doing exercises to lose weight at home

Exercising to lose weight not only accelerates fat burning, strengthens muscles, but also provides you with energy for the whole day. Regular exercise increases muscle endurance, develops the cardiovascular system, improves mood through the production of endorphins and stimulates a person to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order for morning exercises for weight loss at home to be effective, physical education must be combined with proper nutrition. It is also necessary to choose a suitable complex so that loading is fun.

When is the best time to exercise?

There is no one-size-fits-all rule as to when it is better to do weight loss exercises. This depends largely on biological rhythms: "larks" choose the morning for training, "night owls" choose the evening. Morning and evening physical education classes have their advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of morning exercises:

  • gives a boost of energy and vitality;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, accelerates fat burning;
  • improves mood.

Disadvantages of morning exercises:

  • blood density is increased (the person did not drink during sleep, some of the liquid came out during morning urination), blood circulation is slow, physical exercise accelerates it, then the heart and blood vessels are exposed to a high load;
  • After sleeping, the lungs are slightly narrowed, the activity of the nervous system is reduced due to lack of oxygen, exercise requires more concentration, so it is better to start with light exercises.

Before morning training, you need to drink 220-440 ml of liquid and start training after 20 minutes. The blood then becomes more fluid and the strain on the cardiovascular system decreases.

Benefits of evening physical activity for weight loss:

  • accelerates metabolism, food is digested faster, but it is important to remember that dinner should be light;
  • Fats are burned during sleep as muscles need energy to recover after exercise.
Chicken and vegetable salad is a great option for a light post-workout dinner.

Disadvantages of evening training:

  • Exercising can lead to sleep disorders if there is a lot of stress. Therefore, you need to exercise 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Appetite increases when training is too intense or too long.

Those who exercise in the morning and evening lose weight faster.

Morning exercises at home

Morning exercises at home will accelerate weight loss if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do classes for 15-30 minutes every day.
  2. Before training, drink 1-2 glasses of warm water (you can add honey and/or lemon juice). This is a useful habit that initiates metabolic processes and helps the body "wake up. "
  3. Be sure to warm up before morning exercises: side bending of the body, rotation of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, as well as knee, ankle and hip joints. The duration of the joint gymnastics is 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Do not take breaks of more than 60 seconds between exercises so that fat burning does not slow down.
  5. Eat breakfast after your morning workout. The best choice is proteins such as cottage cheese, complex carbohydrates – porridge, fiber – vegetables.

To accelerate weight loss, you need not only to exercise, but also to eat right, sleep at least 7 hours, drink 1. 5 liters of water per day, avoid stress and walk more.

Not everyone knows what kind of exercise to do in the morning to lose weight. These can be cardio training, strength exercises (or a combination of them, which is much more effective), complexes focused on certain areas of the body, training with additional equipment (dumbbells, rubber bands, fitball). People over 50 years old need to train according to a special program, movements should be less dynamic to reduce the risk of injury.

Exercise is useful for absolutely all people, even those who are not overweight.

Easy option for beginners

If your physical fitness is low, it is recommended to start with simple morning exercises for beginners:

  1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and box. Keep your heels off the floor, point your hand forward, and perform the exercise at a fast pace.
  2. Squat with your legs wide apart, then stand on your tiptoes and stretch your arms up. When squatting, your back is straight and your knees do not extend past the height of your toes.
  3. Lift dumbbells (the weight is the one you can lift).
  4. Take a step to the left, raise your arms, then take a step to the right and move quickly.
  5. Raise your pelvis while lying on your back. Leaning on your shoulders and feet, lift your buttocks and fix them at the top point.
  6. Do a "cycle" by raising your head and shoulders.

Before the morning workout for weight loss at home, do a warm-up: swing your arms, legs, jump. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, do them without rest or in 15-20 second intervals. Repeat 2 sets with a rest of 1-2 minutes. This simple but effective morning workout will accelerate weight loss and give you energy for the whole day.

Complex for losing weight on the stomach and sides

It's no secret that the stomach and sides are the most problematic areas for women. To correct your figure, you need to complement exercises for the stomach and sides with cardio exercises.

Cardio training on a treadmill will help you lose weight in the abdominal and side areas

It is important to remember that it is impossible to lose weight in one place because fats are burned evenly throughout the body.To do this, you need to accelerate blood circulation and fat burning with the help of cardio, and tone the muscles in a specific area through isolated exercises. Training must be complemented by proper nutrition.

An example of morning exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides:

  1. Warm-up: joint gymnastics for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Lie on your back and perform crunches at a fast pace. The legs are bent, the shoulder blades are lifted off the ground.
  3. Do not change your position, straighten your legs, lift your head off the floor, put your hands under the back of your head. Raise your limbs without lowering them to the floor (leave a small gap - from 15 to 20 cm).
  4. In the same position, raise your straight legs at a right angle and reach your toes with your hands. Stand up, raise your head, shoulders and shoulder blades, then lie down.
  5. Staying on your back, lift your head and shoulder blades and try to reach your elbow to the opposite knee. Move at a moderate pace.
  6. Roll onto your side, stand in a side plank position (center of gravity on one arm and both legs), and hold the position for at least 30 seconds. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, try to reach the elbow of your upper arm to the knee.
  7. Cool down: Sit down, spread your legs as wide as possible, reach your hands to your toes, bend forward to feel the stretching of your muscles.

First, repeat each element ten times, gradually increasing the number to 20-25. Perform 2 sets.

To make morning weight loss exercises more effective, increase the amount of cardio exercise. All you need to do is walk more, ride a bike, dance, do step aerobics and go to the swimming pool.

Exercises for legs, thighs and buttocks

Morning exercises for slimming legs include dynamic cardio, as well as isolated exercises to strengthen the buttocks, thighs and leg muscles:

  1. Start by jogging in place for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Stand up and lunge so that your left leg is in front and your right leg is behind. Make sure the body is straight, shift the weight to the front limb, the knee should not extend beyond the toe. Repeat this 10 times in both directions.
  3. Perform plie squats (legs wide) for the thighs and buttocks. The back is straight, the heels do not lift off the floor, the knees do not rise above the level of the toes. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Swing your legs while standing on all fours. With your knee bent, raise your leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor (or slightly higher). Repeat this for each limb – 10-15 times.
  5. Stand in front of the step platform and move to its left edge. Step on a hill with your right foot, take your left foot to the side, bend the knee of the right limb and squat. To maintain balance, bring your palms together in front of you at chest level. Then lower your left leg to the floor. Leave the platform. Perform 10 reps on each side.
  6. Do the "chair" exercise near the wall. Press your back against the support, take half a step back and squat gently, as if you were sitting on a chair, until your thighs are parallel to theSoil are. Perform in 2-3 approaches.

This morning exercise for losing weight on the legs and buttocks reduces the amount of fat throughout the body, strengthens and tones the muscles of the lower extremities.

Working with a rubber band

Morning exercises for weight loss with an elastic band will help you get rid of extra pounds and highlight your body. To do this, exercises with the band must be alternated with cardio.

A set of exercises for morning gymnastics using a fitness band

Morning complex with fitness band:

  1. While standing, spread your arms above your head using an elastic band. The loop is at the level of the wrists, the limbs are slightly bent, they need to be moved apart by stretching the elastic band. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Do the horizontal running exercise. Place the elastic band around your toes, take a lying position, bend your legs one at a time and pull your knees towards your chest. Make sure that the elastic band does not slip, keep your back straight. Perform the exercise 10 times for each limb.
  3. Squat and jump 10 times with an elastic band on your hip.
  4. After a break of 30-60 seconds, move on to cardio training. Perform "burpees" – go from a standing position to a lying position, then stand up and jump. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Stand in front of the stepping platform with your feet together. Jump onto a hill, spread your legs to shoulder height, squat down and clasp your hands in front of you. Step off the platform, lowering first one leg and then the other. Repeat this 10 times for each limb.
  6. Spread your legs in a plank position. Alternately move your limbs to the sides 10 times.

You can complete your morning weight loss exercises with 5 minutes of stretching. This will restore your heart rate and relax tense muscles. Exercising to music will increase your productivity and improve your mood.

Work with dumbbells

With dumbbells you can lose weight and pump up your muscles. The optimal weight of equipment for weight loss is between 2 and 4 kg. However, as you lift more, you increase the load.

Women can do morning exercises for weight loss with dumbbells according to this plan:

  1. Stand up, bend your arms with the dumbbells so that they are at shoulder height and squat.
  2. While standing, do side lunges with weights.
  3. Lie down and bend your arms with the dumbbells so that they are at chest level. Do push-ups with both hands.
  4. Stand up, tilt your body slightly, bend your knees. Spread your arms out to the sides with the device.
  5. While standing, bend your arms with dumbbells so that they are at shoulder height. Perform an upward press with both limbs at the same time.

Before your morning workout, do joint exercises to warm up. Perform each weight loss exercise 10-15 times in 2 sets. Do some stretching after your workout.

Cardio training

Aerobic exercises or cardio exercises train the heart muscle, accelerate blood circulation, metabolic processes and fat burning. With these classes you can not only lose weight, but also increase muscle tone, endurance and reduce stress.

Morning cardio workout for weight loss for beginners on a step platform:

  1. Warm up – stand in place for 5 minutes.
  2. Then perform the "step-touch" element. While standing, lift one leg off the floor, bend it and place it next to the other. Gradually increase the pace. Then change the exercise a little - slideacross the floor, bending/extending your elbows.
  3. "Basic step". Climb onto the platform and then apply the other limb. Lower yourself to the floor, lowering your legs one at a time.
  4. "Rising up. "Step onto an elevated platform with one foot and place the other foot on your back toe. Return to the floor with the limb behind you.
  5. Kel step. Get on the platform with one leg, bend the other and try to reach your buttocks with it.
  6. "Bounce". Step onto the stepping platform with your right foot and then move your left foot. Return to the ground at the back of the platform and rotate 180 degrees. You can jump down.

All weight loss exercises are performed 10-15 times in 2 sets.

Japanese exercise with a towel

A popular technique from Japan also helps you lose weight. Technique for performing Japanese exercises with a towel:

  1. Roll a roll out of a towel (length – from 40 cm, thickness – from 7 to 10 cm).
  2. Lie on a fitness mat, place a pillow under your lower back (at navel level) and hold it with your hands.
  3. Spread your legs so that they are at shoulder height. From this position, bring your big toes together, keeping your heels 8 inches apart. This position is called "club-toed feet. "
  4. Raise your arms above your head, rotate your palms so they touch the floor, and touch the tips of your pinkies so your wrists are apart.
  5. Hold this position for 2-5 minutes.

Climb carefully to avoid injury. Gradually increase the fixation time by 10-20 seconds at a time.

On the ball

Training with a fitball is effective for losing weight, the fat burning process is accelerated, as you need to maintain balance.

An example of morning exercises on the ball:

  1. Perform crunches with the ball under your back, straight and oblique.
  2. Perform hyperextension: place the ball under your stomach, place your toes on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, raise and lower your body (chest).
  3. Lie on the floor, place a fitball under your feet and shins, lift your buttocks and fix them on it for a few seconds.
  4. The position is the same as in the previous exercise – buttocks raised. Roll the ball with your feet, flex them, and then straighten them again.
  5. Place a fitball under your head and shoulders, place your feet on the floor and spread your arms to the sides at chest level with light dumbbells.
  6. Stand in the classic plank position, but place a ball under your feet, pull your knees to your chest and pump the machine.

Repeat all movements 10-15 times in 2 approaches with a break – from 30 to 60 seconds.

Exercises for people over 50

You can also lose weight in adulthood, but in this case you need to choose the right loads, as the risk of injury increases.

Group classes are an excellent option for women over 50.

Morning exercises for people over 50:

  1. While standing, rotate your hands, then your elbows and shoulders.
  2. Alternately rotate your limbs forward and then back.
  3. While standing, swing your arms so that one is up and the other is down.
  4. Tilt your body, place your hands on your knees, turn your legs to the right and then to the left.
  5. While standing, lift your leg and rotate it at the ankle, knee and hip joint. Repeat for the other leg.
  6. Swing your legs: back and forth and then left and right (across).
  7. While standing, bend your arms, bring your palms together at chest level and turn your body to the sides. Straighten your arms as you twist.
  8. Do not change your position, place your left hand on your waist, tilt your body to the left and raise your right limb above your head. Jump 2-3 times, trying to go deeper, then return to the starting position.
  9. While standing, tilt your body and try to reach your feet with your hands. Make sure your legs do not bend at the knees.
  10. Lunge to the side.
  11. While standing, squat against the support.

First, you can repeat each element 4-6 times for 2 sets. Then the number of repetitions can be increased to 12 times.

Morning exercises for weight loss for women over 50 years old should consist of low-impact exercises. You should avoid jumps, heavy sports equipment and sudden movements. It's important to focus on technique, exercise regularly and eat right.

Is it effective to exercise on the couch or in bed?

Some people who are losing weight believe that they can lose weight by doing simple exercises in bed in the morning. However, this opinion is wrong. To start the fat burning process, you need to actively move and strain as many muscle groups as possible. But training on the couch has no such effect. Therefore, to lose weight, it is better to choose more intense workouts.

Optimal exercise for a break from work

Even those who spend the whole day at work can lose weight. There is a whole complex that allows you to train the main muscle groups and accelerate fat burning.

Exercises to lose weight at work:

  1. Sit upright, draw in your stomach as you exhale and hold it for a few seconds. Repeat about 50 times.
  2. While sitting, tilt your body to the side and place your hands behind your head, 25 times on each side.
  3. Sit on the edge of the chair, place your hands on it, raise your bent legs and hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat 25 times.
  4. While standing, stand on your tiptoes 20 times.
  5. Sit, tilt your body, move your hands back with small dumbbells or water bottles so that they are parallel to the floor and fix them for 3-5 seconds. Perform 10-15 times.
  6. Squat against the wall 10-15 times.

The exercises can be performed simultaneously or in several approaches.

Evening exercises before going to bed

If you don't have the time or desire to exercise during the day, you can do weight loss exercises in the evening before going to bed. The complex should consist of simple but effective exercises.

Effective gymnastics for weight loss and relaxation before bed:

  1. Start with a warm-up: swing your arms in a circle and lift your knees for 30 seconds.
  2. Squat for 30 seconds.
  3. Get on all fours, swing your right leg up and lift it so your thigh is parallel to the floor. Swing your limbs alternately.
  4. Take a lying position and do push-ups. If you find it difficult, lean on your knees.
  5. Stand upright, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (feet facing outward), and place your hands on the back of your head. Squat down, then stand up and immediately lift your right limb so that your knee touches the elbow of your right hand. Then lower your leg, squat down, and lift your left leg to touch your left elbow.
  6. Assume a lying position, push yourself up, lower yourself onto your elbows (plank), and then rise back up onto your palms and lift your body.
  7. Stand up straight, spread your legs wide and extend your arms to the sides. Tilt your body, touch your right foot with your left hand and return to the starting position. Then touch your right palm to your left leg.
  8. Warm up. While standing, lift your right leg and try to reach your buttocks with your foot. Help yourself by hand. Then repeat the process for the left limb. Stretch the muscles on each side for 30 seconds. Without changing your position, stretch your right hand along your chest, squeeze it with your left limb and pull for 30 seconds. Then repeat the process for your left hand.

The described evening exercise before going to bed only takes 8 minutes.


  1. Choose any of the above workout plans to lose weight and get a more athletic and toned body. Do exercises daily.
  2. The most stubborn can give lessons in the morning and evening. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of physical activity throughout the day. Then the weight loss will be noticeable.
  3. Eat properly. Remember that to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume.